Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dynamic Greens - why we love it!

If you are like most people there is a time during your long work day when you just kinda 'slump'. You need something to keep you going for three more hours. Usually people turn to caffeine or some type of high sugar food that will give you that extra boost. After continually resorting to the sweets -3:00 rolls around and you crash. It is not a fun feeling and after talking to many people, I realize I was not alone. So when at first I did not really notice it,  I tuned more into my body I noticed I would get a slight headache, I felt bloated, my eyes were still half closed and the bounce in my step was gone.

I was frustrated, what do I need to do to keep a clear mind and stay committed to my day? The obvious reason -  I needed to substitute unnatural sugar and caffeine for a natural source of energy boosting goodness - which of course is fruits and veggies. I grabbed the huge bottle of Dynamic Greens and read the back. It had everything I would need for a boost during my day, plus a whole lot more. I have drank Dynamic Greens before but never during the middle of the day hoping for a boost.

After the first day of giving it a shot, I felt great. I didn't feel the need to drink coffee or have a sweet, I felt full of energy - in a good way. Dynamic Greens did not make me jittery and I never did crash - it was a steady stream of energy that lead me all the way into an intense 7:00 pm workout where I felt strong and ready to sweat.

It was a great Revelation - supplying your body with natural and healthy foods will most definitely increase your energy and well being.  With that said, whenever there is a time during your day that you start craving sugar or caffeine try the Dynamic Green's powder blend  and you will not be disappointed!
Come in to our clinic today to buy some of this fantastic super food!!

Here is what Dynamic Greens writes :

Dynamic Fruits and Greens

with Superfruitox™ Proprietary Blend of Certified Organic Super Fruits: Açai, Goji, Mangosteen, Noni & Pomegranate

Dynamic Fruits & Greens with Super Fruits is an easy-to-mix, great tasting, nutrient-rich superfood formula with whole food concentrates designed to provide synergistic phytonutrient nutrition. It provides a “super blend” of 100% natural fruit and vegetable extracts, vitamins, flax lignans, ionic trace minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and symbiotic intestinal flora.
This dynamic blend supplies your body with improved energy, metabolism, fat-burning, digestion, detoxification, immunity, repair, recovery, revitalization, and longevity!

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