Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Purification Process Program

Here at IN8 Chiropractic we are extremely exited to announce our first Standard Process Purification group! After talking with many people and experiencing for ourselves that many health issues stem from the food we do and don't put into our bodies - we wanted to start a group for people who are interested in seeing for themselves the power that food plays in our well-being. We believe this group will help people stay true to the detox program by staying connected with the support of others who are going through the same thing. If you, or anyone you know would be interested in this program - please email us or call us! Read the following for more information. I will also put the website for Standard Process and a few other resources at the bottom of this post.

After a couple of us at the office have completed the Standard Process Purification Program and had great outcomes we thought we should share! We realized during our journey that the more people on the program the more support we got and the easier things became! We could talk about different recipes, how we were feeling, the cravings we had, our daily progress and so much more! It made it much easier and fun, everyone kept each other honest and on the right track during the 21 days. So we thought- why shouldn't we get together a group of people who would want this type of community during a life changing cleanse! With that said, this is why we have decided to start the group! Together, let's start to eat healthy, feel better, and meet some great people.

Purification Program Group @ IN8 Chiropractic -

Read through Standard Process' website for more information :  http://www.standardprocess.com/display/psppurification.spi

When: We will have our first meeting on a Friday evening in March - We will let you know as soon as we pick the date!  Throughout the 21 days we will have follow up weekly gatherings (once a week) and a complimentary Yoga class after our meeting!

What: We will have the packets of information which include a list of the food that is accepted on the diet, recipes to try out, a diary to keep track of what you are eating and how your feeling, all the supplements that come with the program, and the powder for your daily shakes. We will also be providing some delicious food and recipes that we love for everyone to try and even some food to take home to get things rolling! We will also offer a complimentary Yoga class, once a week, that will relax you and help aid your detoxification process.

Why: We want to bring a group of people together as a type support group. To get people talking about good recipes, how they feel, what they miss and the differences they are feeling within their bodies. Every one knows that detox programs can be daunting and scary to start - that's why if you are amongst a number of other who are on the same journey -  they will inspire, motivate, and send good vibes your way!

Before  the program starts we will send out a Toxicity Questionnaire (I will also attach the website if you want to see where your level is today!)

Cost : $223.00 - this includes everything you will need to get started - plus some extras :) You will get all the supplements to aid in the process, the smoothie mix, many self-tested recipes, some delicious food to start you off on the right track and four Yoga classes! Pre-order and pre-pay is required to participate.

Other resources :

Toxicity Quiz - http://www.thehealthfixer.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Toxicity-Questionnaire.pdf

IN8 Chiropractic website - http://www.myin8chiro.com/ - email us through this site with any questions!

Standard Process website - http://www.standardprocess.com/display/psppurification.spi

Again, feel free to contact us with any and all of your questions or concerns!

With Health and Love,
IN8 Chiropractic

14033 Commerce Ave Ne
Prior Lake Ave 55372
( 952 ) - 447 -4242

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