Thursday, January 12, 2012

Standard Process Purification

It has been a couple weeks since the holidays and for many of us that means a couple of weeks of extra weight on our bodies. The holidays are notorious for delicious candies and amazing assortment of hearty meals. This of course is okay on occasion and indulging is not always bad. What is important is to make sure that it is not happening every day.
It was also the start of the new year, which is a time where many people make resolutions and intentions for the upcoming year. A huge percentage of these resolutions are, "get in shape", "loose weight",  "eat healthier" and in general, "be healthy".  And truthfully most bodies can use all three of these commitments. However, the questions are - now what? How can I accomplish this?
Of course there are many different diet approaches and very strict detox programs to choose from - so consulting your physician first is always important - After personal experience, research and other people's feedback we have found a purification process or a detoxification that we believe is both nutritionally sound and a healthy way to clean your body, loose excess weight and get yourself back on the healthy train.
The program we found to be a healthy, nutritionally and research based detoxification program to keep your body in its best condition and supply it with the essential vitamins and minerals during the program.
Detox or purification programs are a good way to jump start a healthy life style both physically and mentally.
With the Standard Process kit they provide you with everything you will need to insure that you are receiving the proper vitamins to sustain you daily activities as well as keep the detoxification process working correctly.
If you are interested at all in this program we would be more than happy to talk to you, get your kit and support you during you detoxification.
It is a big step to commit to a detoxification and that is why we insure you that we will be here to answer questions, give advice and provide you with support during a journey to a new, improved and healthy you! :)

Here is the website:

Let us know what you think!
With Health and Love,
IN8 Chiropractic

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