Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Graston Technique Success Story

My Amazing Experience with Graston at IN8 Chiropractic
                When Lorry came in for her Graston session with Dr. Cook she could barely walk. As she shuffled, in pain, down to our Graston room she mentioned that the pain is so unbearable that she often opts to use a wheel chair. Lorry came in with an awful case of plantar fasciitis. Lorry had undergone surgery to remove the adhesions in her fascia. Following her surgery she did not see much improvement and recently actually started to regress and was preparing to have a second surgery. It just so happened that Dr. Cook recently became certified in the Graston Technique and saw the perfect opportunity to help Lorry. Immediately after the first session Lorry reported feeling much better, even standing at our counter she said she could feel the difference. She left with a bright smile and hopeful eyes.  After two days of great anticipation to see how she was doing, Lorry strolled in with a smile so big it was contagious. She sparkled when she told me, that she felt 80% better! She was shaking her head in disbelief, saying that not in a million years did she believe this pain would ever dissipate. She was walking noticeably better and with a much more comfortable look. She said that it had been forever since the last time she was able to wake up and walk around barefoot – after her first Graston session she was walking with no shoes and with little pain! It was recently her fourth session with Graston and she continues to report feeling SO much better. Lorry’s walk continues to improve as does her hope that life can be better. Dr. Cook reports that during her first session going over her “rough” spots was like going over bubble wrap – the adhesions were everywhere from her toes to calves. But on her fourth session, Dr. Cook stated that she could barely find any adhesions, and the one spot that had an adhesions was so small it did not take any time to release the fascia. Lorry’s story is just the beginning of how excited we are that we are getting amazing results and the patients are willing to share their stories. We want Lorry’s story to inspire all of you out there that are living in pain and believe there is no way out – we want to help you feel good, healthy and happy. I will attach the Graston Technique website along with ours. Book online now to make an appointment.
With health and Love,

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