Thursday, December 15, 2011

Learn More about Graston Techinque!

Our Introduction to Graston -

IN8 Chiropractic is excited to introduce the new innovative and proven approach to the diagnosis and treatment of connective soft tissue injuries - Graston Technique. The technique is performed with patented stainless-steel instruments designed to detect and treat soft-tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation in order to reduce pain and restore function.

Connective tissue, such as muscle, ligaments, tendons and/or fascia  may become restricted, damaged or even isssues after the healing process of a surgery. This can result in pain, tenderness, loss of flexibility and motion. The Graston Technique is used to prevent these symptoms and heal these issues by breaking up the adhesions within the damaged areas.

Hospitals, clinics, professional and university sports teams as well as industry rely on Graston Technique for the treatment of injuries and pain.
The Graston Technique instuments detect and amplify soft tissue restrictions or dysfunction. All the instruments have contoured edges designed to conform to the different body parts/surfaces/shapes.
Treatment by Graston Technique

Graston Technique treatment is usually coupled with use of heat, ice and/or rehabilitation to restore our patients to their pre-injury level of activity.  Stretching and strengthening exercises are also encouraged to provide the patient with optimal results within a minimal number of treatments. Following and staying with the plan of treatment is critical to achieving the goals set by the doctor and our patient. Without full commitment to treatment, a positive outcome may not occur.

Most patients report pain reduction and improved function within the first two treatments. Although it is not unusual to experience some discomfort during the initial treatment, it should dramatically lessen within a short period of time. Mild to moderate bruising may take place during the process of breaking down old scar tissue. During the course of the treatment it is important to keep your body healthy and make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating a sufficient amount of vegtables to recieve proper nutrition.

Factors such as age, history of the condition, occupation and lifestyle will determine the number of times that you will be treated. The average number of treatments is 6 to 8. Generally treatment is performed no more than twice a week unless the clinical circumstances dictate otherwise.

Conditions Treated by Graston Technique
  • Plantar fascitis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • TMJ
  • Headahces
  • Tennis elbow
  • Shoulder impingement
  • Low back sprain/strain
  • Reduced range of motion due to scar tissue
  • Achilles (Heel) pain
  • Neck sprain/strain
  • Trigger finger
  • Post surgical traumatic scars
  • Hamstring strain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Knee pain
  • IT pain
For more information on Graston Technique, please visit

With Health and Love,
IN8 Chiro

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thanksgiving Discount

Acupuncture - 20% off your sessions!!

From : 11.8 thru 11.19

Mention you saw this ad when you com in to redeem the discount

Boosting Vitamin D when Days Go Short

We are constantly being bombarded with information about vitamin D - how much we need, how we need to get it, why we need to have it, the best form, and sometimes the negative aspects of vitamin D. But we believe that it is better to keep hearing about all this information than to forget and neglect.

Last week was day light savings time - fall back - our days are shortened and the sun keeps moving further and further away from us. So as we turn our noses to the sky hoping that the sun will force our eyes to squeeze close and our chilled skin willl feel the warmth of the huge glowing star of life we realize those days are soon to be over. It is sad, and our bodies recognize the absence of the sun immediately, it affects both our mental and physical health. This is why it is important to increase your vitamin D when you live in the winter tundra land of the Midwest.  (and all those other places where snow is a plenty.)

Here is some interesting benefits on why you should be stepping up your vitamin D intake.
 ( Via
If this doesn't convince you - I would say, give it a shot. Some say, that if you are deficient then it may take a month of taking a supplement until you start feeling an effect. But I challenge you, start taking a vitamin D supplement and track your progress. The sun is here for a reason it creates life and sustains healthy living, so when you are not absorbing vitamin D through the solar queen grab some supplements. Ask your doctor if this right for you, or course.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chia Seeds!

I am a huge kombucha drinker and when I was at the coop the other day I needed one. So I walked to the cooler to pick my favorite flavor, and low and behold I saw it.... kombucha filled with swimming chia seeds. Of course I have heard of chia pets but that is about all I knew until I read the bottle and was blown away. How did I not know this? Then I thought... I need to buy a chia pet.
Chia seeds are an amazing superfood. A serving contains more Omega-3 than salmon, they are full of fiber and antioxidants, they taste like nuts when eaten raw, and they look cool floating in kombucha. ;)

Here is what the kombucha chia drink looks like :

Here is a cool article on why we should be drinking eating and mixing chia seeds!

MORE chia recipes, you ask?! Here you go!

With Health and Love,
IN8 Chiropractic

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Coco for coconut water

Coconut water is the newest greatest craze out least for western folks. Coconut water has long been considered a drink of health by cultures where coco trees are naturally grown. Coconut water is a filtered clear liquid that is found inside the young green coconuts- it is different than coconut milk, which is found by grating the meat inside of a mature coconut. The water has increasingly proven to be more and more beneficial  - here are just a few things that are amazing about the delicious drink!

*** The electrolytes present in the water can give people who exercise a great boost in energy!!

*** The water is naturally produced! No additives (unless you squeeze some lime or lemon)

*** Helps with urinary tract issues!

*** Coconut water has more potassium than a banana. 

*** Low fat, cholesterol free, and very low calories

So, next time your out and about - grab a coconut water and make the day even better!

With Health and Love,

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Three Booty Muscles

There are three major booty muscles - The gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus ( the last two can really be considered one muscle, for all intents and purposes, so I will refer to the two similar muscles as gluteus medius and drop the minimus. :)

These two muscles act as lateral stabilizers making sure that your hip does not swing out to far out when your standing in place or walking. You can easily place these muscles by balancing on your left leg and lifting your right leg out to the side. Do this a few times until you start feeling the burn in the right hip muscle and that burn is the gluteus medius and minimus. These muscles generally become tight in most people - this is because since they are typically used for balancing while walking and the majority of people walk on flat even surfaces the muscles don't get a good work out. Often times after hiking or walking on the beach or other variable surfaces your gluteus medius can become sore. The gluteus maximus is located in the buttocks and is the strongest muscle in the body.  You use this muscle to move your hip and your thigh. Getting up from sitting, or walking up an incline and even standing in an erect position are all movements that would not be possible without the gluteus maximus.

All three of these muscles are crucial to the everyday movements of your life. This is why it is important to gain strength as well as flexibility within these muscles - here are some awesome stretches and muscle builders to try out. And remember every time you walk up those stairs you booty is thanking you!

** This one feels great and is easy to try!

** Here are some stretches

** For your gluteus minimus, a couple times a day, stand on one leg and lift your other leg out to the side...and feel the burn!!

With Health and Love,
IN8 Chiro

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Newsletter Glimpse

Here is glimpse of what our awesome bi-weekly newsletter has in it plus a ton of other great and healthy information - So if you're a yogi or a yogini or maybe a soon to be one...check this out and find the right classes for you! If you are interested in being on our email list send us your email at!

With Health and Love,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Supa' Supraspinatus Muscle

Supraspinatus - pronouced : (soop-ra-spa-natus)

Shoulder pain is one of the most common areas other than low back that people have problems with.

The supraspinatus muscle is located at the top of your shoulder. It is right above the boney ridge of your shoulder. It wraps from the scapula to the greater tubercle of the humerus. This muscle is very important to the stability of the shoulder. It supports the rotator cuff that surrounds and enclose the shoulder.  The muscle allows you to lift your arm up and down. Many injuries associated with this muscle are due to playing sports where objects are thrown and often times it is affected by falling. Because there are many muscles that support the shoulder they often are over used and tighten up - creating myofascial trigger points, ( hyperirritable tissue in muscles). These trigger points usually cause only minor aches or restricted movement that can be left alone - however overstressing your shoulder causes a bigger problem. Once your have a shoulder injury your body starts to produce adhesive fibers between your muscles to protect the injury. However, these adhesions cause restrictions in shoulder movement causing pain and dysfunction that spreads up the neck and down the arms.   Pain in your supraspinatus can cause difficutly in raising your arms up to comb your hair or reach up high. There a few stretches to help work out the pain - 
check it out! And keep your shoulder muscles healthy and stretched out!

Here is an anatomical picture of the supraspinatus

Enjoy -
With Health and Love,
IN8 Chiro

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Sneaky Psoas Muscles

The psoas muscles are often neglected and forgetten when it comes to stying healthy and feeling good.  Psoas, pronounced - "so-as" - is also reffered to as the hip flexors. It is the muscle that starts at your low spine and wraps around to the front of pelvis and attaches at the bottom of the thigh or femur. Interestingly, it is the ONLY muscle that connects your spine to your legs.

Sitting all day at work, running, and lack of stretching are all reasons why your psoas muscles can become tight. A tight psoas muscle leads to your pelvis moving which then leads to low back pain. So, for many people stretching the psoas out is exactly what you need to do to stop low back pain. I will post a great link to a stretch that should be done, at least, once a day.

also, check this picture out - it's the atomical photo of the psoas muscle.

Yoga and pilates are both wonderful workouts that are amazing at getting those sneaky psoas muscles stretched out!

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Season of Kale

As you drive by yards and community gardens what one things that catches your eye? For me it is all the delicious looking Kale - whether it be decorative kale (which is actually edible!) or the kale planted specifically for eating. The color and texture of the plant is aestically pleasing and one of the most nutritious plants out there! Check out our news letter for some benefits of kale -

There are many ways to enjoy kale - whether you're looking for a cooling salad (especially for days like today - 80 degrees!!) or a warm soup, kale is versatile enough to add to your daily diet. I found a few delicious kale recipes you can try out -

Be Healthy,

Patient Appreciation

Patient appreciation week is fast approaching!
Monday, October 10th - Friday, October 14th

We are giving away FREE adjustments to the first 25 active customers that call! Also - our massage therapists will be giving chair massages all day long. So no need to worry, you will be able to get adjusted and then get a wonderful massage by our talented and lovely massage therapists.
We will also be giving away prizes for our patients that come to see us during this week.
This is for YOU, we are so happy and grateful to have such amazing patients and it is because of YOU that we are here.

We hope to see every one of your smiling faces - even if it is just to pop in and say, "hi" - because we want to show you how much we appreciate you. :)