Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chia Seeds!

I am a huge kombucha drinker and when I was at the coop the other day I needed one. So I walked to the cooler to pick my favorite flavor, and low and behold I saw it.... kombucha filled with swimming chia seeds. Of course I have heard of chia pets but that is about all I knew until I read the bottle and was blown away. How did I not know this? Then I thought... I need to buy a chia pet.
Chia seeds are an amazing superfood. A serving contains more Omega-3 than salmon, they are full of fiber and antioxidants, they taste like nuts when eaten raw, and they look cool floating in kombucha. ;)

Here is what the kombucha chia drink looks like : http://thecoinologist.com/2011/09/13/raspberry-chia-gts-kombucha/

Here is a cool article on why we should be drinking eating and mixing chia seeds!


MORE chia recipes, you ask?! Here you go!

With Health and Love,
IN8 Chiropractic

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