Thursday, December 15, 2011

Learn More about Graston Techinque!

Our Introduction to Graston -

IN8 Chiropractic is excited to introduce the new innovative and proven approach to the diagnosis and treatment of connective soft tissue injuries - Graston Technique. The technique is performed with patented stainless-steel instruments designed to detect and treat soft-tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation in order to reduce pain and restore function.

Connective tissue, such as muscle, ligaments, tendons and/or fascia  may become restricted, damaged or even isssues after the healing process of a surgery. This can result in pain, tenderness, loss of flexibility and motion. The Graston Technique is used to prevent these symptoms and heal these issues by breaking up the adhesions within the damaged areas.

Hospitals, clinics, professional and university sports teams as well as industry rely on Graston Technique for the treatment of injuries and pain.
The Graston Technique instuments detect and amplify soft tissue restrictions or dysfunction. All the instruments have contoured edges designed to conform to the different body parts/surfaces/shapes.
Treatment by Graston Technique

Graston Technique treatment is usually coupled with use of heat, ice and/or rehabilitation to restore our patients to their pre-injury level of activity.  Stretching and strengthening exercises are also encouraged to provide the patient with optimal results within a minimal number of treatments. Following and staying with the plan of treatment is critical to achieving the goals set by the doctor and our patient. Without full commitment to treatment, a positive outcome may not occur.

Most patients report pain reduction and improved function within the first two treatments. Although it is not unusual to experience some discomfort during the initial treatment, it should dramatically lessen within a short period of time. Mild to moderate bruising may take place during the process of breaking down old scar tissue. During the course of the treatment it is important to keep your body healthy and make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating a sufficient amount of vegtables to recieve proper nutrition.

Factors such as age, history of the condition, occupation and lifestyle will determine the number of times that you will be treated. The average number of treatments is 6 to 8. Generally treatment is performed no more than twice a week unless the clinical circumstances dictate otherwise.

Conditions Treated by Graston Technique
  • Plantar fascitis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • TMJ
  • Headahces
  • Tennis elbow
  • Shoulder impingement
  • Low back sprain/strain
  • Reduced range of motion due to scar tissue
  • Achilles (Heel) pain
  • Neck sprain/strain
  • Trigger finger
  • Post surgical traumatic scars
  • Hamstring strain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Knee pain
  • IT pain
For more information on Graston Technique, please visit

With Health and Love,
IN8 Chiro

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