Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring is arriving!

Spring is here! Can you believe it?! This weather has everyone's body and mind going in all different directions. The calendar says March...but I'm walking around wishing I had my shorts and tank on, what kind of sense does that make at least for us mid-westerners. Needless to say, this weather effects us in many different ways which is why it is important to keep your body and mind safe during these abrupt weather changes. One way to help is to get outside and harden your senses by exposing them to the elements. There are so many ways to get out and enjoy the fresh air  - walk around the block, walk to the coffee shop down the block, go jogging, do anything that will keep you moving, feeling the wind and soaking up the sun. You will thank yourself, I promise!
By experiencing the weather outside - in all types - you will begin to prepare your body for the upcoming summer. Make sure to wear your sunscreen and light clothes to keep cool and comfortable. And by all means, take advantage of the natural vitamin D that beautiful sun is shining down on us! Enjoy these beautiful days and get outside and play!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Purification

Well here we come summer and you all know what that means, no more hiding under sweaters and layers of clothing.

Perfect time to join us  on a Purification Program.

Standard Process has a great Purification Program, it helps your body purify and rebuild itself from the inside out.  The program gives you a structured plan for purifying nourishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Along with the Standard Process supplements, you'll support your major organ systems with the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found in whole foods.  In addition, this program will help you maintain a consistent healthy weight.  When you've completed the 21 - day purification program, you'll be amazed at how good you find yourself feeling.  You'll learn how to transition to a new, healthful way of eating that will continue your journey toward looking and feeling your beast for a lifetime. 

On April 14th we will be hosting a group meeting at our Prior Lake office to introduce you to the program.   It will include a sampling of foods and recipes, and a sampling of a recipe to take home with you to get you started.  You will also go home with your kit and a grocery list of everything you'll need to be ready to start the program the following Monday morning.

Maggie will also be teaching yoga class at the end of the meeting so dress comfortable.

We all do better when we have the support of friends and this meeting will be a fun kick off to feeling good and looking better as the summer rolls in.

You must pre-register and pre-pay by April 7th. 

If you have any questions please give Dr Cook a call M-W-F Prior Lake office 952-447-4242 or T-Th-Sat morning Minneapolis office 612-827-0657